Festive Doorstep Shoots

The one where we got festive from the comfort of our own doorsteps…

When lockdown 2.0 hit in November, I determinedly set out on a mission to end 2020 on a photography high – carving out an opportunity to do what I love in a safe but distinctly festive manner. In turn I hoped to create some fun and festive memories for families to end this somewhat bizarre year with. And so my Festive Doorstep Shoots emerged, and with it the opportunity to photograph some beautiful families – some familiar, some whose weddings I’ve captured, some entirely new. Armed with my canon and 24-70mm, plus a few sanitised props (Santa hat, toy nativity scene, fun tree decorations, one singing and dancing Christmas tree) and my warmest coat, I embarked on my mission to bring as much fun and festivity as possible to each doorstep (and one woodland walk!)…and I think I achieved it! It was my total joy to capture laughter, dancing, hugs, piggy backs (for children and wives!), sequin donning, door wreath decorating, and canine cuddles. And so, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to those Festive Doorstep Shoot families who in turn helped me embrace the festive season despite the restrictions and challenges we’ve all faced this year. I hope that even as most of us head into 2021 in another state of lockdown, that further opportunities will arise to capture the good times. If you’re thinking you’d like your own family, sibling, couple, engagement, maternity, or business mini-shoot then give me a shout – I’d love to hear from you!  

A few tips for mini-shoots (of whatever kind):

1.     Be receptive to prompts. When tight for time these can really help to break the ice and get the shoot flowing quickly.

2.     Dress for the season and/or occasion. Think about donning some colour, but ultimately being comfortable, and if you’re trying to project a certain image (particularly if it’s a business or professional shoot) then consider what you want that to be and how what you wear will communicate it.

3.     Get some inspiration of your own – Pinterest is great for this. Search for family shoots, engagement shoots, maternity shoots, business shoots, etc and get some ideas from those photos you really like the feel of.

Victoria Kay-Barrero